
We are Annice + Sarah and we are the co-founders of CommonWellth.

We have spent years in the wellness industry and have always been incredibly passionate about creating accessible wellness for all. We have come to see what works and what doesn't when it comes to "healthy" living and our number one goal is to support every single human to feel empowered in their choices when it comes to movement, nutrition, and mindset. Wellness is not one size fits all. You deserve to feel your best without shame, guilt, or fear.

We are here to help.

We are so excited to have you in our community and we look forward to getting to know you!

Meet Annice!

Seeking out and celebrating the good in people has been the inspiration for my work for as long as I can remember. As an educator, I seek out the potential in my students. As a yoga teacher, I seek to help others bridge the gap between mind and body. As a nutritionist, I seek to reconnect people to the inherent knowing they already have about their bodies. As a guide and mentor, I seek to empower people to realign with their bodies and their higher selves so that they can create lives with heart and integrity. All that I do, and all that I have ever done, has been to raise up my fellow humans, in hopes that it ripples forward and in turn, humanity may reach its ultimate possibility.

This journey began for me when I finally decided to live in my body the way nature intended. Finished navigating which drugs to take, which diet to eat, and what kind of exercise to do, I surrendered and turned to myself for direction. I began to reintroduce myself to parts of my heart and body that I had kept at arm's length for a long time. Learning to live and partner with my body has been the key to releasing myself of the expectations, presumptions, and judgments of how I am meant to exist in the world. It has helped me develop an intimate trust, a faith in myself that continues to see me through even the hardest of days. This sovereignty and confidence is our birthright, and so my task is simply to share the knowledge I have acquired and guide my fellow humans to their own personal freedom. You deserve to love your body, you deserve to feel healthful and alive and you deserve to live your life to the fullest. With that, I am so happy you are here.  

Find me on Instagram here!

Meet Sarah

Hi! Thank you SO much for being here and taking the time to get to know me! My name is Sarah and I identify as she/her.

I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer. I have worked with incredible humans both online and in-person. After running a High-Intensity fitness studio and working with clients one-on-one I came to find a need for accessible and sustainable options that feel exciting and motivating without leaving you feeling exhausted or dreading your next session. The past couple of years have had their fair share of ups and downs and what I noticed is that when I was in a low, the first thing that I would let slip was my wellness routine. What I didn't realize when these lows would hit was just how challenging it was to bounce back when I ignored my wellness routine. It took many episodes of going all out to absolutely nothing before I started to make my wellness routine non-negotiable. I removed the "time limits" and pressure to do ALL of the things and focused on what I knew worked.

My "why" behind CommonWellth is to support you during your highs and lows and provide you with the tools to create your own wellness routine that works for you and your lifestyle.

I would love to get to know you! Find me on Instagram and let's chat!

Our Values & Commitments


Creating space within the wellness community for all humans to feel safe, respected, and supported. 


Providing resources, tools, and support that nurture the individual human experience.


Deliver valuable and safe information with the goal of empowering each human to feel confident and supported on their wellness journey.

Our commitment to our community:

Each quarter we donate 1% of sales to a charity of our communities choice